York security system monitoring

Minster Alarms York security system monitoring ensures an urgent response to alarm activations, even when you're away from your premises. Our automated monitoring systems can be set to alert the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) and your designated keyholders whenever your alarm is activated, allowing you – and the authorities – the chance to act fast and get on top of the situation.
The following descriptions and PDF document links will give you an idea of the different security system monitoring options available through Minster Alarms. Please feel free to contact us for advice on the best monitoring option for you, or to arrange a free, no-obligation site visit from one of our experts.
Advanced systems
We offer a number of advanced systems to suit the needs of clients with complex security requirements:
BT Redcare - redcare.bt.com
Redcare is part of BT plc and has been a leader in the fire and security market for 25 years. They are the largest supplier of alarm signalling services in the UK.
CSL Dualcom - csldual.com/uk
The CSL Group are the leading provider of dual signalling systems, including M2M and IoT solutions in the Security and Health Sectors. Their Security range provides simple and reliable alarm signalling for domestic, commercial and retail premises whilst the Health range enables wireless Telecare Services for vulnerable residents.
Digital Communicator
A Digital Communicator provides single path monitoring via a PSTN telephone line connection. In the event of an activation or fault condition it will transmit a digital, coded message to an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC), where the signal will be decoded and handled according to your instructions.
Speech Dialler
A Speech & Text Dialler is a simple device that connects to your security system. In the event of an activation, it will alert your designated keyholders with a pre-recorded voice or text message.